Our Team


Danny Van | Owner, Chef & Proverb Enthusiast

Alex Carlucci | General Manager, Event Coordinator & Classical Bassoonist

Hannah VonDracek | Bar Manager, Introspective Sommelier & Animal Devotee

Michelle Bacchetti | Service, Bar, Pitbull Fanatic & Resident Cheerleader

Shianne Colden | Service, Intricate Braids, Yurts & Adept Artistry

Luke Dillingham | Service, Ceramicist & Ardent Cyclist

Maya Ferguson | Service, Duck Enthusiast & Amateur Voice Actor

Sharon Johnson | Service, Mountaineer & Cat Lover

Sarah Dziadzio | Service, Literature Pundit & Vibrant Tresses

Courtney Mills | Web Design, Marketing, Accounting & Aspiring Marathon Runner







We are always looking for passionate and talented people to join our team. If you are interested in working with us please contact us at tastekitchena2@gmail.com